Keep an eye out for sale updates. I will be selling my entire inventory, cars and parts. Obviously it will take some time to list everything and I have a vacation coming up so be patient. In the mean time if there is anything you've been dying to have, message me. I've got some uber rare stuff. NOS ring and pinion gear, NOS vacuum advances, etc. etc. etc.
Rest assured I will continue to remain active in the Patrol community and maintain the forum as always. That's something I can still do.
EDIT (added 5/7/2022):
The saga continues. Karma has not caught up with him yet.
A couple of months ago I got a call from the guy, Jake Schmillen. He was all contrite and wanted to smooth things over. He had just discovered that as a result of the post I put on the Facebook and the one I put on IH8MUD they showed up when a Google search was done for his name. He wanted me to take the posts down. He begged and pleaded, said it was affecting his business and his reputation with his teenage daughters friends. I told him I would gladly take all of the posts down and even put up posts saying he had made good, all he had to do was pay me what Togo was worth. I didn't even ask that he make good on the contract that he had breached for the package deal, just make good on the Patrol he scammed me out of. I even gave him a discount on the proposal, I only asked for $10,000 (he had already paid $20,000 towards the package deal). He said no.
So now I hear rumor that Togo has a new owner and has been seen frequently around Boise, ID. New owner said they bought it at an auction and they paid $40,000. So, asshole Jake Schmillen scammed me on a contract package deal and turned around and doubled his money at my expense.
Sorry for the foul language but I'm pretty pissed right now.